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Academic Publications

Usability and User Experience Evaluation of Touchable Holographic Solutions: A Systematic Mapping Study (en-us)

Thiago Prado de Campos, Eduardo Filgueiras Damasceno, Natasha Malveira Costa Valentim
IHC'23: XXII Simpósio Brasileiro sobre Fatores Humanos em Sistemas Computacionais, October, 2023
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Interacting with holograms using the hands is on track to reach a broad audience in the coming years. Therefore, a current challenge is understanding how to evaluate this new interaction scenario concerning Usability and User eXperience (UX). In this use context, the user interacts with virtual objects in your real environment. Some already known evaluation technologies have been applied to this type of solution, although they were not created considering aspects such as immersion and presence, typical in this interactive environment. Thus, this paper presents a Systematic Mapping Study (SMS) that sought to identify usability and UX evaluation technologies applied to touchable holographic solutions in augmented reality or mixed reality environments. Furthermore, the SMS sought to answer questions about evaluation technologies and holographic solutions. The SMS examined 3551 publications and selected 40 that presented 106 usability or UX evaluation technologies in a touchable holographic solution. The results shed light on methods and aspects little addressed and showed patterns and preferences for combinations of devices, gestures, and feedback types. This work contributes to HCI researchers by better understanding the state of the art of usability and UX evaluation technologies applied to touchable holographic solutions, classifying them, and discussing the main gaps and opportunities.

Evaluating a Collaborative IS to Support Systematic Literature Reviews and Systematic Mapping Studies  (pt-br)

Thiago Prado de Campos, Eduardo Filgueiras Damasceno, Natasha Malveira Costa Valentim
iSys – Brazilian Journal of Information Systems, v. 16, n. 1, p. 8: 1-8: 33, 2023

This article presents a study to evaluate the quality of the Porifera collaborative tool, which supports Systematic Literature Review (SLR) and Systematic Mapping Study (SMS) processes. The study revealed a high perceived usefulness and ease of use of the tool and identified points for improving the interface, such as user feedback and error prevention. The quantitative and qualitative results suggest that Porifera is a valuable tool for learning and performing collaborative SLR and SMS. Additionally, the article compares Porifera with other related tools, including a discussion on how these other tools were evaluated.
Extended version of selected papers from the XVIII Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems (SBSI'22)

Porifera: A Collaborative Tool to Support Systematic Literature Review and Systematic Mapping Study (pt-br)

Thiago Prado de Campos, Eduardo Filgueiras Damasceno, Natasha Malveira Costa Valentim
SBES'22: XXXVI Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, October, 2022
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This paper presents Porifera, a collaborative tool to support Systematic Literature Review (SLR) and Systematic Mapping Study (SMS). The tool allows the creation of a project for a researchers team. The user defines the goal, the inclusion and exclusion criteria for selecting primary studies, the search string, and the digital libraries. Also, the tool imports publications and identifies duplicates. The selection process occurs with the individual application of criteria and resolution of disagreements. During the process, it is possible to observe the agreement and reliability of the researchers' evaluations. Porifera works on a web platform and integrates external services for translation, reference citation, and linking publications' files. Porifera's use can improve review and selection processes, optimize time, and prevent errors while facilitating collaboration between researchers.

Proposal and Evaluation of a Collaborative IS to Support Systematic Reviews and Mapping Studies (pt-br)

Thiago Prado de Campos, Eduardo Filgueiras Damasceno, Natasha Malveira Costa Valentim
SBSI’22: XVIII Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems, May, 2022
Access by ACM Author-izer link

Context: Systematic Literature Review (SLR) or Systematic Mapping Study (SMS) are a process in which publications dataset is systematically analyzed to cover a research field. These processes involve multiple investigators collaborating to produce more improved work and often use automated tools to facilitate their work. Problem: However, not all tools offer proper support to collaborative SLR or SMS. That is, missing a tool to support the study selection process, allowing the collaboration between researchers by applying individual criteria and collective decision, supported by agreement or discussion and consensus. Solution: We developed the Porifera tool to fill this lack. IS Theory: Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and a Grounded Theory's phase subset were used to evaluate Porifera's tool quality. Methodology: Undergraduate and postgraduate students enrolled in the Experimental Software Engineering Research, used the Porifera tool and answered a post-used questionnaire with TAM's sentences and other open questions. Then, a quantitative and qualitative analysis was performed. Summary of Results: It was possible to see high perceived usefulness and ease of use for Porifera. Too it noted the effectiveness of resources to support the collaborative activity and its contribution to learning and performing a collaborative SLR or SMS. The evaluation showed points to improve the Porifera's interface. Contribution and Impact in the IS area: The Porifera is an IS for data, information, and knowledge research management because it gathers publications records and allows it will be interpreted and processed, making possible decisions making by researchers. The Porifera also allows performing an SLR or SMS with mobility, knowledge sharing, flexibility, and integration between people and technology.

Um framework e uma ferramenta para apoiar a pesquisa exploratória na web (pt-br)

Thiago Prado de Campos, Sérgio Roberto Pereira da Silva
IHC'13: XII Brazilian Symposyium on Human Factors in Computing Systems, October, 2013

This paper describes a study on the phenomenon of exploratory research on the Web. As a result, we present a framework to support this type of information seeking with six dimensions: quality, presentation, time, cognition and knowledge acquisition, personalization and collaboration. We also present a tool that brings a new way to view the search history with features to organize research projects. This tool aims to test some aspects of these dimensions, being based on a server and a browser extension model. The experiments done showed results that demonstrate a good acceptability of the features introduced.


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